MOI Eventteam
Projektgazda szervezet: LebensGroß GmbH
Felelős személy: MMag. Thomas Jäger

Civil társadalom / Szociális gazdaság

People with disabilities face difficulties finding work and are isolated from the public. They also face limited opportunities to socialise with others and learn new skills.
MOI Eventteam employs people with disabilities to work in sports events. The project provides new opportunities for this community. Our current goal is to form regional teams in at least two federal states to provide better support for local events and increase the project's impact.
The main target group is people with disabilities of MOI Eventteam. The team cooperates with institutions for people with disabilities and, above all, with sporting event organisers. This provides valuable support for organising events and encourages inclusive event management.
Through the programme, members of the event team are integrated into society and build new social experiences. They are recognised as employees at sporting events, with their potential and not their challenges taking centre stage. The programme boosts social participation and raises public awareness.
The entire project can be easily transferred to other areas. Our goal is to expand our project to other Austrian federal states. The project's implementation has provided important insights and overgone many adaptations, so our concept can be easily implemented in new regions.