Give Children a Chance

Project owner: FREI.Spiel - Freiwillige für Kinder

Responsible person: Dr. Dorith Salvarani-Drill




Civil Society / Social Economy

What is it about?

About 32 volunteers encourage and support a total of 530 socially disadvantaged children aged six to ten. For this, the volunteers go to twelve after school care clubs where the primary school pupils spend their afternoons. They learn with them, play with them, and read with them. They do that regularly, that means at least one afternoon a week in always the same after school care club, and always after consulting the care club’s pedagogue in charge. As long as society is not willing, as a matter of course, to grant all children inclusive learning, some of the disadvantaged children will have to rely on the social commitment of volunteers. Which does, fortunately, exist, as this project shows.