Coalition against the criminalization of homelessness

Lastnik projekta: Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

Odgovorna oseba: Bence Rita


1,000 Euro Prize


Civilna družba / Socialno gospodarstvo

What is it about?

The project of the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union and the "City Is for All" was started in response to harassment and the criminalization of homelessness. The "City Is for All" consists mainly of homeless people, who bring their credibility and activism, while the HCLU brings its nearly 20 years of legal watchdog experience to the cooperation. The NGOs apply various methods to achieve their goals.

Pohvala žirije

The number of homeless people has been increasing for years – as have the attempts to criminalise them. Under such circumstances, a rather unspectacular step – the linking of the potentials of two NGOs – can make socially innovative waves. The high media profile of the "Hungarian Civil Liberties Union" renders the actions of the mostly homeless activists of "The City is for All" a lot more visible to the public eye. Lived injustice does not remain just personally shaming but is "collected" and juridically used. Individual lawsuits against discrimination can be accompanied by the media more easily and can thus create political, thus collective impact.