Childhood to Children
Lastnik projekta: Občianske združenie Detstvo deťom (Civic Association Childhood to Children)
Odgovorna oseba: Norika Liptáková

Civilna družba / Socialno gospodarstvo
Socialno ali zdravstveno varstvo

The Childhood to Children project explores all possible options for quality early care for as many children as possible. It focuses on those children who are at greatest risk of developmental issues as a result of their learning environment and generational poverty.
The project seeks to initiate a transfer of early childhood care activities to the home environment. Moreover, Childhood to Children actively involves experienced women in the work with families in poverty. These mothers are recruited directly from the community, those with competence in the field of early intervention as a result of participation in training offered through the project, and are thus able to pass on the acquired knowledge and skills to young mothers.
The target groups are: Children (to pre-school age) who are involved play activities and pre-school preparation; Younger schoolchildren, who are prepared for school through creative activities and reading; Adolescent girls and young mothers, who are educated in responsible approaches to motherhood; Experienced mothers who assist the project in the field; Families in generational poverty, who the project is aiming to raise awareness about.
The main impacts of the project is the enhance positive changes early childhood care in families. Moreover, it seeks to improve a child’s developmental progress, school performance, women's self-esteem and self-worth, parental competence, the time devoted to children, as well as self-confidence and pride in a child's achievements.
The general idea of the project is transferable, that being building a parenting centre similar to our Domček, field work in the home environment of the families, and the involvement of people from the community in the activities not only as beneficiaries.
Photo © Archive of OZ Childhood for Children