Zdravniki Sledilnik

Lastnik projekta: Luka Petravić, Znanstveno društvo Sledilnik

Odgovorna oseba: Luka Petravić




Civilna družba / Socialno gospodarstvo

What is it about?

Portal Zdravniki Sledilnik je bil ustvarjen z namenom približevanja osrkbe k pacientu. V Sloveniji se soočamo s pomankanjem zdravnikov na primarnem nivoju. Veliko pacientov je zaradi tega brez osnovne pravice dostopa do opredelitve osebnega zdravnika. V Znanstvenem društvu Sledilnik smo podatke, ki so se javno objavljali na 15 dni v nepregledni razpredelnici uvozili v naš portal ter omogočali uporabnikom, da podatke posodabljajo v realnem času. Tako smo pacientom, ki so iskali oskrbo na primarnem nivoju omogočili prijazno uporabniško informacijo ter ažurne informacije.


Lifelong health and disease prevention begins with primary medical care. In Slovenia, there is a tremendous unmet need for access to primary healthcare nationwide. This problem is worsened by a lack of easy-to-use, quality technological programs prioritizing UX to help patients find physicians. 


After leveraging the success of compiling complex data into a simple, understandable format during COVID-19, Tracker Scientific Society aims to address access to primary healthcare. We built Doctors Tracker, a user-friendly website with information updated by community crowd-sourcing to help others find healthcare providers. We continuously update this information and fix errors through open crowd-sourcing to empower patients on their healthcare journey.  

Deležniki pri projektu

The project was developed by Tracker Scientific Society. The data uses open-source data from governmental agencies. Before releasing the crowdsourcing to the public, we consulted the National Medical Chamber of Slovenia. We integrated their feedback to improve the website’s UX and the accuracy of the terminology used. 


Since its inception, we have received over 1,100 corrections from users, of which nearly 700 improved publicly accessible data sets and fixed errors from official sources. The project also received the DigiVzornik.Si award from the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Slovenia for its positive social impact on helping patients find primary care physicians and our citizen-science approach. 


Our open-source project is powered by crowd-sourcing. The website could be easily used in other countries by mapping their data sets to ours. We have also translated it into all the languages of Slovenian minorities and other languages for immigrants who visit our page most frequently.