3rd of December 2024: Online Q&A for applicants - presentation
Are you planning to apply for SozialMarie 2025? Join us and ask your questions! Leading a great project is the first step – but explaining it well is crucial for success! If you are planning to submit your project for a SozialMarie prize, join our online Q&A event and find out what makes a good application. Missed the session? Read through the presentation here: Q&A Presentation.pdf
Is my project sufficiently implemented to qualify? What is social innovation? What makes a good project presentation? – these are just some examples of topics we will touch upon with our guests, each of them representing a different perspective within SozialMarie.
Join us and find out about our evaluation process, criteria for social innovation and gain valuable tips!
Save the date
December 3, 2024, 16:00 – 17:30 (CET) on Zoom
The event will be held on zoom. Registered participants will receive the zoom-link in the morning of the event via e-mail.
The event will be in English. Participants will have the possibility to ask questions during the event via chat, in English or one of the SozialMarie languages (German, Hungarian, Croatian, Slovak, Slovene and Czech). In the last 30 minutes, we will open break-out sessions in which you can discuss open questions in the local languages.