IGR – Zukunft im Grenzraum

Vlastník projektu: Lead-Partner: ÖGB Burgenland

Zodpovedná osoba: Mag. Eszter Toth


Cena v hodnote 1 000 Eur


Občianska spoločnosť / Sociálny podnik

O čom to je?
Cross-border clarification and support of employees in the Burgenland/western Hungary area in order to protect both Hungarian and Austrian employees in Burgenland against wage dumping, and to put a stop to the increasing shortage of skilled workers in western Hungary. As part of a cooperation agreement between the trade unions in Burgenland and Western Transdanubia, the more than 12,000 ‘border crossers’ consisting, particularly, of young people, have been receiving information in their mother tongue about their rights and obligations from a 17-strong team at 11 locations in the border area and, in particular, legal advice as well as assistance with asserting their rights, since 2008.
Ocenenie poroty
Much-needed cross-border cooperation between trade union organisations, so that the imbalances of the labour market between Burgenland and western Hungary affect the most vulnerable on this market with less impunity. Support is provided – in terms of language and locality – as close as possible to the employees concerned, in various border towns, in factories, at border crossings. It is of definite use to the individual(s), raises awareness for the parties involved in labour market policy and reduces mutual prejudices for the public. Working together to combat incorrect enemy stereotypes, we wish you lots of staying power.